Escort Prague


My name is Sonia, I am a courtesan – an elegant, sensual companion and confidant for the discerning gentleman.

As a escort woman I know how to please and I am at ease with my sexuality. I am very tactile with a delicate touch and finely tuned seduction techniques. If you want to reinvigorate your sexuality, explore your erotic side, then let me spice up your life.

Rest assured you can relax in my company

straight away even if you haven’t been with an escort before, or for a while.

My preference is for the company of courteous, respectful gentlemen who are looking for a sensual rendezvous without ties. It is really important that the pleasure is mutual and we both enjoy each other’s company, conversation and intimacy. As I choose to see only a few gentlemen our time together is very special. Discretion is assured.

If you would like an unrushed seductive experience please read on...

Age 28

Height 168cm

Weight 50kg

Stats 95-70-95

Hair Color Brunette

Eye Color Blue